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Runwayz Foundation Set to Launch: Empowering Students with Career Starter Scholarships

July 9, 2024

Buildingon the momentum of its recent platform launch, Runwayz is proud to announce theupcoming launch of the Runwayz Foundation, an integral part of its commitmentto transforming the career landscape for high school students. Slated forlaunch during fall 2024, the Foundation aims to democratize access to careeropportunities through scholarships, specifically targeting students pursuing non-collegepathways.

"As part of our mission to connect 1million students with fulfilling careers that do not require four-year degrees,the Runwayz Foundation is a natural next step," explains David Proulx, CEOof Runwayz. "We recognize that cost can be a barrier for many studentswishing to enter trade and technical fields. Our scholarships are designed toremove these financial hurdles and open doors to promising careers."

The Runwayz Foundation will offerscholarships to students across the United States, focusing on industries thatare critical to the nation’s economy but often overlooked by traditionaleducation funding. Each scholarship aims not only to cover educational costsbut also to provide stipends for apprenticeships and on-the-job training,ensuring students gain real-world experience alongside theoretical learning.

The initiative is supported by partnershipswith key industry players and educational institutions that share Runwayzvision for a skilled, ready-to-work youth populace. "By investing in ourstudents, we are investing in the future of our workforce," says Mr.Proulx. "These young individuals will become the driving force of oureconomy, and it’s essential we provide them with all the tools they need to succeed."

For those interested in applying for ascholarship, contributing to the fund, or learning more about the Foundation’simpact, detailed information will be available on the Runwayz website followingthe launch.

With this new chapter, Runwayz continues tounderscore its dedication to practical education solutions that fosterindependence, economic growth, and social mobility. Stay tuned for more updatesas the Runwayz Foundation prepares to make a lasting difference in the lives ofcountless students across the country.